Category Archives: Uncategorized

14 Facts About Tony Montana and ‘Scarface’

[SPOILERS] It will go down as one of the most ICONIC movie that rappers will namedrop in their songs. Brian DePalma’s ’80s classic, Scarface, is the Hollywood true story documentary on a Cuban refugee making his way downtown, walking fast, faces pass and he’s homebound. Al Pacino played Tony Montana who is dropped into 1980s Miami with…MORE

Win a Luxury Included® Vacation for 2 at any Sandals Resort from Hot 102.5!!

Win a Luxury Included® Vacation for 2 at any Sandals Resort from Hot 102.5!!

  Starting July 25th, Listen for the HOT 102 Sandal’s KeyWord each day at 3 p.m. for Spencer’s keyword of the day. Miss it? We will repeat the word again at 7p.m. You can also catch the word each day on snapchat @ HOT102lex. Collect all 5 keywords and submit them on and you are in…MORE

Adam Levine explains why Lexington, Kentucky has the most beautiful women

In a radio interview over the weekend pop star, Adam Levine claimed that Lexington, Kentucky has the most beautiful women in the world. Why Lexington? As Adam explained it: “I knew a girl from Lexington, Kentucky and I visited her and her family there years ago and I thought at the time that maybe she…MORE

Does water on Mars mean there’s hope for life?

Does water on Mars mean there’s hope for life?

Potentially life-giving water still flows across the ancient surface of Mars from time to time, NASA scientists said Monday in revealing a potential breakthrough in both the search for life beyond Earth and human hopes to one day travel there.MORE

NASA’s new hopping rover

NASA’s new hopping rover

Meet Hedgehog, a new spacecraft designed by NASA to navigate the rough terrain on comets and other objects in space.MORE

