You’ve heard me talk about her for a while on Q97.3 – my sweet 20 year old Phoebe passed away on Friday afternoon.
I adopted Phoebe when she was a kitten, actually she adopted me. I was a pet store, and a adoption event was happening.. Phoebe’s mom and siblings were there — the kittens bouncing up and down.. being kittens– but, Phoebe was alone in the corner just sitting there, at first I thought her siblings were avoiding her; but, now that I’ve spent 20 years with Phoebe I know Phoebe was avoiding them. I walked over and she got up and walked up to me, sat down and looked right up at me. From that day on Phoebe was attached at my hip.
Fast forward through some cross country moves… a few jobs.. plane rides and long car rides.. 2 failed engagements and lots of bad dates and Phoebe has been my ride or die for the last 20 years.
She’s been going downhill the last few weeks, and I just knew she wasn’t going to make it through the weekend… so, Friday — I tucked her into bed, with blankets and her pillow.. I was getting ready to head to my grandma’s house– I knew when I left her Friday that would be it.. so I laid down next to her. I petted her and kissed her and told her she had done such a great job of taking care of me and that I loved her, I knew she was tired and it was ok.
When I got back – Phoebe was gone. If you’ve lost a pet, especially one that’s been in your life this long, you know it’s never easy.. here are a few pics of my baby.